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No Smoking in units rented after 11/2012

ALL HOUSEHOLDS who moved into their residential multifamily units on, or after, November 22, 2012, have occupancies that are non-smoking. Tenants or owners occupying an apartment or condo since that date are not allowed to smoke in the unit, nor can their guests.

People who moved into their unit before November 22, 2012, received a survey asking them to designate their unit as a “smoking” unit or “non-smoking” unit

The units at 917 11th Street that were occupied by current tenants prior to 2012 where smoking is permitted because they were undesignated or designated as “Smoking” are:

  • Apt 1
  • Apt 4
  • Apt 5
  • Apt 6
  • Apt 9
  • Apt 10

Households who choose NOT to answer the survey will have their units listed as “undesignated”.  Smoking in undesignated units is permitted.

Bed Bug Information

General information about bed bug identification, behavior and biology, the importance of cooperation for prevention and treatment, and the importance of and for prompt written reporting of suspected infestations to the landlord.




Information about Bed Bugs

Bed bug Appearance:
Bed bugs have six legs. Adult bed bugs have flat bodies about 1/4 of an inch in length. Their color can vary from red and brown to copper colored. Young bed bugs are very small. Their bodies are about 1/16 of an inch in length. They have almost no color. When a bed bug feeds, its body swells, may lengthen, and becomes bright red, sometimes making it appear to be a different insect. Bed bugs do not fly. They can either crawl or be carried from place to place on objects, people, or animals. Bed bugs can be hard to find and identify because they are tiny and try to stay hidden.
Life Cycle and Reproduction:
An average bed bug lives for about 10 months. Female bed bugs lay one to five eggs per day. Bed bugs grow to full adulthood in about 21 days.
Bed bugs can survive for months without feeding.
Bed bug Bites: Because bed bugs usually feed at night, most people are bitten in their sleep and do not realize they were bitten. A person’s reaction to insect bites is an immune response and so varies from person to person. Sometimes the red welts caused by the bites will not be noticed until many days after a person was bitten, if at all.
Common signs and symptoms of a possible bed bug infestation:
• Small red to reddish brown fecal spots on mattresses, box springs, bed frames, mattresses, linens, upholstery, or walls.
• Molted bed bug skins, white, sticky eggs, or empty eggshells.
• Very heavily infested areas may have a characteristically sweet odor.
• Red, itchy bite marks, especially on the legs, arms, and other body parts exposed while sleeping. However, some people do not show bed bug lesions on their bodies even though bed bugs may have fed on them.
For more information, see the Internet Web sites of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the National Pest Management Association.

Bed bugs have recently become an issue for cities nationwide. Please see the important facts about bed bug infestations and tips for prevention and management below:

Division of Communicable Disease Control

What You Need to Know about Bed Bugs

Link to original document:

What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are small parasitic insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. Adult
bed bugs have flat bodies about one-quarter of an inch in length; they are copper colored
and wingless. Young bed bugs are nearly colorless and very small (1/16 inch). Bed bugs do
not fly; they either crawl or are carried from place to place. When a bed bug feeds, its body
swells and becomes bright red, making it appear to be a different insect. In homes, hotels,
or other dwellings, bed bugs feed primarily on human blood, usually at night when people
are sleeping.

Are bed bugs dangerous?
Bed bugs are not known to transmit disease. However, bed bug bites can cause large, itchy
welts on the skin. A person’s reaction to insect bites is an immune response and therefore
varies from person to person. Bed bug bites are usually painless and rarely awaken a
sleeping person. If people are sleeping side by side, one person may have a severe
reaction while the other shows no evidence of being bitten. Sometimes the red welts caused
by the bites will not be apparent until many days after a person was bitten.

How do I know if my home is infested with bed bugs?
If there are bed bugs in your house, you may notice itchy welts on your or your family’s skin.
You may also see the bed bugs or evidence of their presence, such as small bloodstains
from crushed bed bugs or dark spots from bed bug droppings. Bed bugs are found most
often around areas where a person sleeps or rests. These areas include: on or near beds
and bedroom furniture; in the tufts, seams, and folds of mattresses and daybed covers; and
in clutter around sleeping areas. In more severe infestations, bed bugs may spread to
cracks and crevices in bed frames and box springs and be found behind headboards, inside
nightstands, and behind baseboards, pictures, and moldings. It is important to inspect
furniture adjacent to sleeping areas for the presence of bed bugs, as well as behind
loosened wallpaper. Bed bugs may also hide in piles of books, papers, boxes, and around
pet sleeping areas.

How long do bed bugs live?
The typical life span of a bed bug is about ten months. They can survive for weeks to
months without feeding.

Will bed bugs feed on my pets?
Bed bugs will feed on pets, but prefer to feed on humans. Pet sleeping areas should be
inspected and treated by a licensed pest control company.

How can you get rid of bed bugs?
The California Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section, recommends
that property owners hire a pest control professional licensed by the California Department
of Consumer Affairs (DCA), Structural Pest Control Board to evaluate what type of pest is
present and to exterminate them if necessary.

Time and money can be wasted attempting to eliminate an infestation if an insect is not
identified properly. Controlling and removing bed bugs involves different procedures than
the removal of other pests and will require multiple visits. A pest control professional should perform a thorough inspection, and when bed bug hiding places are found, provide
chemical or non-chemical means of control to the infested rooms. A professional may use
pesticides and specialized equipment, such as steam cleaners, to kill the bed bugs. After
two or three weeks, ensure that the pest control professional returns for follow-up treatment. Usually, at least two treatments are necessary to eliminate bed bugs.

It is important to cooperate fully with all of the pest control company’s recommendations.
These recommendations may include washing clothing and linens and reducing clutter in
infested rooms. All materials removed from a bed bug infested room should be placed in
tightly sealed plastic garbage bags before being thrown away or taken to a laundry facility.
This will prevent bed bugs from being moved to other areas of the structure. Licensed
applicators should provide proof of their licensure and their company’s licensure upon
request. Visit or call DCA, Structural Pest Control Board at (916) 561-8704 to confirm that the company is certified.

How does a property become infested with bed bugs?
In most cases, bed bugs are moved from infested areas to non-infested areas on clothing,
luggage, furniture, or bedding that is brought into homes.

How can I prevent bed bugs from entering my home?
Some infestations can be prevented by washing clothing and bedding immediately after
returning from a trip. Inspect all used beds, box springs, sofas, upholstered chairs, and
bedding for signs of bed bugs before bringing them into your home.

Should I report a bed bug infestation to local authorities?
Yes. Bed bugs are considered a public health nuisance and when found in hotels, prisons,
nursing homes, hospitals and public transportations should be reported to the local county
health or environmental health department.

Where can I get more information?
• Vector-Borne Disease Section at the California Department of Public Health:
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Report bed bug sightings in your unit

Please only use this form if you live at 917 11th Street in Santa Monica!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Apartment (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone (required)

    Your Cell Phone:

    Form of Contact Preference:

    Please provide time and date plus location and description details of bed bug sighting at 11th Street:

    Please note: As a courtesy we make every attempt to schedule inspections and service to be convenient, however that is not always possible. We might be able to have someone at the building to grant access to your unit for reported issues but if we do not have someone available and require access to your unit you may need to arrange to be present at the time of the service call.

    May we enter your apartment when you are not home to inspect for this issue (required)

    Preferred date of entry:

    Preferred time of entry:

    Laundry Room Tips

    Laundry Room Tip 1: Timely Removal

    First of all, don’t leave your clothes in the washer/dryer indefinitely. This is inconsiderate to other people and can cause your clothes to be removed, and even tossed on the floor by another impatient resident.

    Instead, only do laundry when you have the time to see a load through the washer and the dryer. While it may take a while for you to find the time, it sure beats having your clothes dirtied by being tossed aside or collecting mold from being left in the washer for too long.

    Unless you have the time to immediately dry your clothes after washing them, just hold off!

    Set a timer so you can come back and check your clothes and remove them promptly.

    Laundry Room Tip 2: Keep Other’s Items Clean

    To go hand-in-hand with the first rule, don’t throw somebody’s clothes on the floor!

    Be patient if a machine has been in use for a while. If you notice that a washer/dryer has been stopped for over an hour and is still occupied, put them aside in a neat pile or take the clothes inside and put them in a plastic grocery bag. Leave them by the machine for the resident who may have left them there.

    This will ensure their clothes are not soiled by putting them on the floor, and you can then move on with doing your laundry.

    Laundry Room Tip 3: Be Prepared

    Before doing laundry, make sure you have enough quarters to wash and dry your load.

    You run the risk of annoying other tenants if you’re constantly asking for quarters because you’re a little short! Grab any spare change out of your cup holders, break a few dollar bills for quarters at your local convenience store, or go to the bank to buy quarters. Make sure that you will have enough change to do laundry for quite some time.

    Some management companies, like 1st Lake Properties, no longer utilize quarter machines but instead give the resident the ability to buy electronic keys which keep a balance of credits used, thereby removing the need to haggle for quarters. In these instances, make sure you keep track of your balance and reload when necessary.

    Laundry Room Tip 4: Plan ahead!

    Decide whether you want to leave your laundry basket in the laundry room based on the amount of time it will take you to do your laundry. If you think you might be late getting your clothes, it is appropriate to leave it next to your machine in case someone needs to move your clothes out.

    Laundry Room Tip 5: Respect the Space

    Last, do not throw apartment trash in the laundry room trash cans!

    The can is for the convenience of the resident to help keep a clean laundry area for other residents. The only items which should go in these cans are those associated with your laundry! Lint, dryer sheets, empty detergent containers, etc. If it is full – you may empty it in the trash can by the ally.

    It isn’t pleasant for anyone to use a dirty laundry room!

    Bonus Tips:

    We love this suggestion from Apartment Therapy for using vinegar in wash loads for fresh and clean laundry.

    As with most things in life, common courtesy is the key. As long as you and other apartment residents can be respectful and conscientious when navigating the laundry room, this sometimes tedious task can run a whole lot smoother!

    Can I sublease or sublet my apartment?

    NO – all of our leases contain restrictions on occupancy.

    Tenants are also required to inform management of guests residing for more than 5 days.
    Please provide Identification, license information and contact information for you and your guest. Guests are not allowed to use parking spaces, there is no guest parking at the building.

    Short Term Rentals & Home-Sharing Whether tenants may sublet their unit is limited by the rental agreement. NONE of our rental agreements allow short term rentals, sublets or home shareing.

    A violation of this agreement may be a reason for eviction.

    Short-term rentals (fewer than 30 days) of an entire dwelling unit are not legal. For additional information about home-sharing,contact the City’s Code Enforcement Department at (310) 458-4984.

    Garbage Disposals – they don’t really dispose of garbage


    The kitchen garbage disposal is not really as useful as you might assume and the distance from that unit to main sewer line can cause problems if items you dispose of stop half way there causing a blockage. If you use enough water to actually reach the main sewer line it is very water wasteful. While they may seem useful for getting rid of a variety of food scraps and waste that might otherwise create unpleasant smells in the kitchen, many foods can actually damage your disposal or render it useless. Environmentally – the eutrophic impact of sending your food waste down the disposal is more than three times larger than sending it to the landfill.

    Do not put these things down your garbage disposal:

    Never use hot water when grinding food waste. Hot water will cause NO!grease to liquefy and accumulate, causing drains to clog. Don’t turn off the motor or water until grinding is completed. When grinding is complete, turn off the garbage disposal first. Let water continue to run for at least 30 seconds, flushing out any remaining particles. Then turn off water.

    NO!Fibrous foods

    Don’t grind extremely fibrous material like corn husks, celery stalks, onion skins, lettuce, corn husks, carrots, potato peels and artichokes.  Fibers from these can tangle and jam the garbage disposal motor and block drains.

    NO!Grease, fats and oils

    Greasy foods will distribute a film over the blades, diminishing their effectiveness. Eventually, the grease will begin to decay, causing an unpleasant odor in the kitchen. Pouring grease into a garbage disposal can result in clogged drains when the grease solidifies.

    NO!Coffee Grounds

    Coffee grounds down the garbage disposal build up an accumulation of goop and they accumulate in drains and pipes, causing clogs.

    EggNO! shells

    Some people claim that egg shells sharpen the blades of the unit, but this is not true. The shells’ stringy membrane layers can wrap around the shredder ring, and the shell itself will be ground to a sand-like consistency capable of clogging pipes.

    NO!Pasta, rice, potatoes and beans

    Even small particles of these foods will swell with water to form a paste-like substance, and eventually clog the trap.

    NO!Non-food items

    Dropping a bottle cap or twist-tie – make sure you get it out before starting your disposal. If you break a glass in the sink the shards can be difficult to remove and can jam the disposal. We have had service calls that resulted in finding rubber bands, twist ties, cigarette butts, pull tabs, fabric, sponges and plant clippings in disposal units.

    BlNO!each or drain cleaners

    Don’t use harsh chemicals like bleach or drain cleaners. They can damage blades and pipes. Borax is a natural sink cleaner and sanitizer that effectively works on odor-causing mold and mildew that accumulates in garbage disposals. A little baking soda followed by pouring a mix of white vinegar and water will create a bit of foam that can clean the disposal and remove odors.

    The amount of water it takes to properly use a garbage disposal makes them very water wasteful.

    Should We Dispose of Disposals?

    Dumping waste into the water system has environmental costs. There is evidence that the effluent that is pumped back into local water streams does affect their chemical composition and aquatic life. In extreme cases, the result can be something called eutrophication, which occurs when a higher concentration of nutrients results in algae blooms. According to one Australian study, the eutrophic impact of sending your food waste down the disposal is more than three times larger than sending it to the landfill. You’ll also be using a lot more water if you decide to go with the disposal—and you’ll be indirectly responsible for the extraction of the metal needed to make the appliance.

    Santa Monica: Recyclable Materials for the recycling bin

    Cans & Foil

    Aluminum beverage cans and aluminum food cans (e.g., cat food cans)
    Steel/tin food and beverage cans
    Clean aluminum foil and foil food trays


    All glass bottles and jars (mayonnaise, apple juice bottles, wine bottles, etc.)
    CA redemption bottles (beer, juice, wine coolers, etc.)


    Containers marked #1-5
    Water/juice/soda bottles
    Food containers
    Milk and water jugs
    Detergent/cleaning product bottles
    Personal care bottles
    Plastic shopping bags


    Newspaper (including inserts)
    Office paper (white and colored)
    Computer paper
    Corrugated cardboard
    Cardboard boxes and paper bags
    Phone books
    Magazines and catalogs
    Food/detergent boxes
    Office mix (file folders, fax paper, envelopes, advertisements, flyers, etc.)
    Junk mail, bulk mail, and scrap paper
    Paper bound with non-water-soluble glue (paperback books, hardback books, overnight mail packages, etc.)
    Milk cartons (clean and rinsed)
    Aseptic packages (juice boxes)

    Please do not put plastic materials—including Styrofoam, flower pots, hoses, PVC pipe, pool covers, etc.—in your recycling containers. They are not recyclable, but they are often reusable. Many nurseries are happy to take back plastic flowerpots, while many mailing and packaging stores, including The UPS Store Etc. and Kinko’s, welcome donations of clean Styrofoam packaging peanuts. If you can’t find an outlet to reuse these materials or reuse them yourself, please secure them in a bag and place them in your refuse container.

    See more TIPS: